What clients say…

On large Group Facilitation

Sabine Henrichfreise is an experienced, highly sought-after facilitator with a unique style, an inspiring influence over a room and an outstanding ability to not only illuminate and inspire, but leave participants with actionable ideas, strategies and practices which make a difference in both work and life.

CAM Participant

Sabine has facilitated Open Space Scenarios for two of our events, CAM and CAMalot. At CAMalot, she masterfully took the entire conference attendee group through a series of steps toward a conclusion which ultimately resulted in a unique group-authored book.

At Conversation Among Masters (CAM), she guided the group to synthesize concepts and begin steps to develop a powerful message for an entire profession, which will be continued virtually in the future. She is definitely an expert in bringing clarity of focus and helping to distill ideas into something tangible and useful.

Her sense of style and grace are always endearing and yet there is a power of purpose that is always present.  Sabine is unique among those who profess to do this work…She is a natural at bringing the power of consciousness, individual ideas, knowledge and experience into a collective solution.”

Bobette Reeder – Donna Steinhorn – Guy Stickney (Co-founders, Conversation Among Masters)

« Nous avons travaillé avec UniqueLabs dans le cadre de notre convention « manageurs » annuelle, dont le fil rouge cette année était le thème de la confiance (confiance dans l’entreprise, le management, entre collègues, en soi..), dans le contexte d’une organisation qui a connu un excellent développement au cours de ces dernières années, mais qui doit faire face aujourd’hui à des changements importants sur son marché qui la poussent à revisiter ses façons de travailler. Il s’agissait d’un thème à la fois « large » par les nombreux angles de vue qui le caractérisent, « lourd », voir « touchy » notamment pour le management par les questions qu’il soulève.

Sabine a assuré une animation remarquable lors de ces 2 jours, à la fois en cadrant les problématiques abordées, sans pour autant éluder les véritables sujets de préoccupations des manageurs, donnant de fait au comité de direction une richesse de matière à travailler au-delà de ce séminaire.

La prestation de Sabine a fait l’unanimité auprès des participants tant pour le « fond » du sujet – traité de manière pertinente et professionnelle- que sur la forme avec un style d’animation tout-à-fait adapté à l’esprit de notre convention – studieux, décontracté et favorisant les échanges entre participants.

Un grand merci à UniqueLabs pour cette participation active à une convention qui restera dans les mémoires des manageurs d’Air Liquide Santé France !

Philippe OGE, Air Liquide Santé France, Directeur Général

I’ve had the pleasure of being in two different groups which Sabine facilitated – one with about 50 participants and the other with 120. Her mastery of groups is phenomenal – able to keep the pace and interest going while at the same time providing insight into our dynamics. She’s not only clever and innovative in her approach (humorous too!), she’s also keenly knowledgeable of organizational dynamics and how to leverage those dynamics to create paradigm shifts. I wholeheartedly recommend Sabine for any company or organization seeking clarity and change.

CAM participant.

On Individual Coaching

In my career, I had the chance to benefit from the advice of a number of mentors, executive coaches and executive training programs from leading institutions, with noticeable success.

This time, with Sabine, it was a complete game changer. During the 6-month we worked together (through 10 hours of coaching), I stroke acceptable deals with business partners with whom we had apparently unsolvable disputes. The relationship with my boss improved in efficiency, which led to a decrease in my level of stress. Best of all, with my management team, we improved staff engagement to outstanding levels (with amazing impact on organizational effectiveness). Employee Engagement increase from 45 to 85% compared to 201, Managerial Effectiveness from 59 to 88%. The subsidiary has changed his ranking from being the latest in the world to the Top 10%, in all dimensions covered by the survey.

Thanks Sabine for your precious support. The R.O.I. for your services is incommensurable.

Guillaume Sennequier, VP Philip Morris, Senegal

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